Voices for Life, Inc. v. Indiana Department of Health, et al.

Since 2022, Voice for Life has requested and reviewed Termination of Pregnancy Reports for potential violations of health and safety standards. Indiana law requires abortion providers to submit reports, without patient names or other identifying factors, each month to improve maternal health and ensure abortions are performed legally. In reviewing these reports, Voices for Life has discovered about 700 instances of illegal activity among abortion providers and filed complaints with the state health department and the attorney general’s office.
The state health department routinely complied with Voices for Life’s requests until fall of 2023, when the organization requested the August 2023 records. After several months delay, the department responded that it would no longer release individual Termination of Pregnancy Reports, citing confidentiality of patient medical records. Instead, the department now only releases quarterly reports of aggregated data, which do not provide the necessary detail to identify potential violations or the licensed professional or facility performing the abortion.
Represented by Thomas More Society attorneys, Voices for Life filed a complaint in Marion County Superior Court on May 1, 2024, against the Indiana Department of Health and State Health Commissioner Dr. Lindsay Weaver, for violating the state’s Access to Public Records Act.
On February 3, 2025, Voices for Life secured victory in a Settlement Agreement with the Department of Health. The Department of Health must now release all Termination of Pregnancy Reports upon lawful request.
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