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October 4, 2023

Indiana Christian Acquitted After Wrongful Felony Prosecution by Indianapolis Officials

Indiana Christian Acquitted After Wrongful Felony Prosecution by Indianapolis Officials

October 4, 2023
October 4, 2023

Indiana Christian Acquitted After Wrongful Felony Prosecution by Indianapolis Officials

(October 4, 2023 – Indianapolis, Indiana) Thomas More Society has successfully defended Indiana pro-lifer Nathan Perry, after a wrongful felony prosecution brought by Indianapolis officials. After an online harassment campaign, wrongful felony charges, and a bench trial, Perry has now been vindicated and declared not guilty by a Marion Superior Court judge. On September 23, Magistrate Ronnie Huerta of the Marion Superior Court declared Perry not guilty of the felony charge, “Battery Resulting in Moderate Bodily Injury,” following a bench trial.

“I learned way more than I wanted to in the process,” said Perry. “This has been a steep hill to climb. I am so thankful for the support of the Thomas More Society along this spiritual journey. We are starting over, but our faith has grown, and God has brought us through this journey.”

In July 2022, Perry—a teacher and church music director—and his wife—a Christian counselor—went to the Indiana Statehouse on the first day of the state legislature’s special session, when an abortion ban was being considered. “Nathan Perry and his wife had gone to the Statehouse in Indianapolis to exercise their rights as citizens and hear what the elected officials had to say about the abortion issue,” explained Perry's attorney, Carlos Lam, serving as Thomas More Society Special Counsel.

One young woman, a part of a raucous contingent of the crowd, blasted a bullhorn near Perry’s head—causing him to react and push out to protect himself. His reaction knocked the bullhorn back toward the woman. As the young woman moved back, she directed profanities against Perry. Following the incident, the Perrys left the scene while the mob hollered for the police. Indiana State Police on site did not react, intervene, or see any cause for concern.

But an online harassment and doxing campaign soon identified and targeted Perry and his wife. They were stalked online, along with their church and employers. “It was a horrific concerted pro-abortion effort to ruin our lives and make an example of us because we did not embrace the pro-abortion message,” explained Perry.

Perry was soon charged with felony battery and Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department put out a warrant for Perry’s arrest. While Lam succeeded in having the warrant recalled and Perry was saved from actual physical arrest or jail time, he suffered serious consequences. “My reputation in the industry has been damaged, for two years I been unable to teach, not held a full-time job or benefits, and my parents’ health has suffered,” shared Perry, “All because these extremists had a goal to disrupt my life as an example, so no one will ever oppose their viewpoint.”