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April 10, 2024

Thomas More Society Urges House Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearings on the D.C Five

Thomas More Society Urges House Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearings on the D.C Five

April 10, 2024
April 10, 2024

Thomas More Society Urges House Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearings on the D.C Five

50+ pro-life groups join Thomas More Society in urging House Judiciary Committee hold hearings on D.C. Five

Over 50 pro-life groups are joining the call for Justice for the Five, led by Thomas More Society, SBA Pro-Life America, and Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising. The coalition is calling on Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, to hold hearing on the D.C. Five. The full letter to Chairman Jordan is available for download and viewing, here.

The Honorable Jim Jordan
Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary
U.S. House of Representatives
2138 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

CC: Representatives Chip Roy and Andy Biggs

April 8, 2024

Dear Chairman Jordan,

We are grateful for the timely intervention of House Judiciary Subcommittee Chairmen Chip Roy and Andy Biggs on behalf of the D.C. Five this February. The D.C. Five—Ángel, Christopher X, Harriet, Holly, and Phoenix—are five children whose lives were reportedly brutally ended at the clinic of notorious late-term abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo in Washington D.C. The Biden administration has so far refused to investigate the deaths of these children, despite evidence of potential federal crimes, and instead greenlit discarding their bodies. Dozens of members of Congress stepped in to block the D.C. Medical Examiner from disposing of their remains prematurely. We urge the House Judiciary Committee to investigate Cesare Santangelo’s practices and to demand justice for the Five.

The bodies of the D.C. Five were discovered by pro-life activists two years ago, on March 25,2022, outside of the Washington Surgi-Clinic, only five blocks from the White House. The lives of these five children were ended late in pregnancy. Although the activists who found them asked the police to investigate, and despite repeated requests from members of Congress and the public, to date, no autopsies or investigations have occurred. In the meantime, several Ob-Gyns including former abortionists have reviewed many pictures of the remains and determined the likely gestational ages of these babies and the probable procedures used by which their lives were ended.

While these experts believe Ángel and Holly may have been killed via the tragically legal procedure of dismemberment abortion, several federal laws – including the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act (18 USC § 1531) and/or the Born Alive Infants Protection Act (1 USC § 8) allegedly may have been violated in conjunction with the deaths of the other three. These are the estimated gestational ages of the babies who were potential victims of federal crimes:

• Harriet (possible partial-birth abortion): 28-29 weeks
• Christopher X (possibly born-alive): 32-33 weeks
• Phoenix (possibly born-alive): 25-26 weeks

Members of Congress and of the public have continued calling on the Department of Justice and the mayor of the District of Columbia to investigate Cesare Santangelo and the deaths of the Five. Nonetheless, no investigation has occurred, and there is evidence indicating they have no intention to investigate.

Instead of investigating Cesare Santangelo and his practice for these alleged federal crimes, the Biden administration submitted a budget that would fund abortion for any reason at any stage of development in D.C. They have turned a blind eye to these tragic deaths and alleged crimes and instead proposed sending more business to abortion clinics in the District—including the Washington Surgi-Clinic—with taxpayer dollars.

Because the District of Columbia falls under federal jurisdiction and federal crimes may have been committed by Cesare Santangelo, we urge the House Judiciary Committee to hold a thorough hearing into the D.C. Five. These five children should be toddlers now, but instead are lying in a morgue awaiting the justice that continues to be denied to them. Cesare Santangelo must be investigated. We demand Justice for the Five.


Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America

Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising

Thomas More Society

Americans United for Life

American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee

Family Policy Alliance

Family Research Council

March for Life Action

National Right to Life

Students for Life Action

The Abortion Survivors Network

Live Action


Center for Family and Human Rights

Eagle Forum

Ethics and Public Policy Center

The Center for Medical Progress

American Cornerstone Institute

The FAMiLY Leader

Choose-Life America

Citizens for a Pro-Life Society

Coalition for Jewish Values

Good Counsel

Human Coalition Action

Human Life Alliance

Human Life of Washington

Kentucky Right to Life

Liberty Counsel

Liberty Counsel Action

Life Issues Institute

Life Legal Defense Foundation

Life Matters TV and Media, Inc.


Louisiana Family Forum

NC Values Coalition

New Mexico Alliance for Life

Ohio Right to Life

Operation Rescue

Priests for Life

Pro-Life Action League

Protect Life Michigan

Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn

Secular Pro-Life

South Dakota Right to Life


Stand True

The White Rose Resistance

Wisconsin Family Action

Wyoming Family Alliance